If you are interested in joining contact us today to reserve your spot!
Being in relationship with a partner enslaved in sexual addiction may have left you with deep feelings of betrayal. We want you to know you are not alone. There are women who are willing to meet with you, to lend a listening ear and share hope for healing.
Partners Support also offers an 8-month group study entitled Betrayal and Beyond. This is a confidential, women-only, support group for partners of men addicted to pornography and unwanted sexual behaviors. This study uses a clinical and biblical approach to help you understand and process betrayal trauma. You don’t have to be alone in this heart-breaking journey. This resource by Pure Desire Ministries, provides valuable tools, Biblical wisdom and testimonies by courageous women who found hope, help and encouragement through their personal journey.
The weekly meetings are led by women who have also walked this journey.
There is a small fee to cover cost of materials (financial help available if needed).
For support or to register for Betrayal and Beyond please contact Sylvia Davis or Lynnette Stahl at partnerssupport@mountoliveefc.com
Or reach us through the form below.