Questions from this weeks message.
1. What insight, principle or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or troubling? Please explain.
2. What has been your experience with the abuse of rules in religion? Why do you think religion’s rules become so tiresome?
3. People often struggle with the idea that the Christian faith has rules and it can push them away from the faith. Why do you think a right understanding is important when it comes to rules in the faith?
4. Some Christians have thought that Jesus did away with the law or rules, what does Jesus say about this in Matthew 5:17? How do you explain that Jesus fulfilled the law and prophets?
5. Read Matthew 5:18-19. Jesus seems big on obedience. Have you ever thought about heaven being arranged as to our obedience? How does that reality impact your thoughts on obedience?
6. Read Matthew 5:20. The pharisee’s were very religious law keepers, what do you think Jesus meant by this? How could we have righteousness that surpasses theirs?
7. Read Romans 3:20-22. How does this help us understand what Jesus means about having a greater righteousness and also that he fulfills the law?
8. Read Romans 6:15-16. How does this passage explain more fully that Jesus has not abolished the law and that we are still called to obedience?
9. In what ways do you need to alter your view on the rules within the Christian faith? How might the truth that “we obey from a position of already being in the family rather than trying to get in” help? Why is motivation important when it comes to growing weary in obedience