March 12th 2025

We are a few days away!  Most of us have already started to set aside items to be packed.    Wood products are often not used in buildings because of the termites.  Cement work and steel studs are what is required for these building projects.  We have already sent down the money that will be used to purchase building supplies and materials including paint.

Weather predictions show it will be in the low 30's for the week.  We aren't used to that!  Pray that we will be wise about working in the heat and making sure that we drink lots of water!
Thanks for journeying with us.

March 6th 2025

Our Westjet app says that we leave in 10 days!  It seems so surreal and yet the mounting "to-do" list is very real.

Our Team
Josh is the youth pastor at Mount Olive. In addition to the experience of being on a mission trip, this trip is also about Paris training him to be in charge of his team of youth for a future mission trip.
Nicole is the interim Children's Director at Mount Olive.  She has been on mission trips before and wanted to add to her experiences.
Hudson is a missionary kid and wants to give back in his own way.
Taryn is working at the local coffee shop here in town and also attends Mount Olive.  She felt that God wanted her to move beyond her comfort zone and experience missions.
Those are the young ones on the team.  Now, we move on to the more *ahem* vintage-era people.
Leslie has been to Mexico before and wanted an opportunity to help with the building projects using her skills.
Rob is eager to try his new-found love of Spanish as well as connect with some people that he met through the missionaries.
Paris and I have been to Hermosillo before and felt the urge to help in some tangible ways with the building projects.
Where we are going:
We are going to Hermosillo, Mexico which is in the Sonora desert.  It is directly south of Phoenix.  We fly directly from Calgary to Phoenix on Saturday, March 15 where we will be picked up by the missionaries.  They will drive us across the border where we will get our Mexican visas and then on to Hermosillo.  On Sunday, March 23 we will drive from Hermosillo across the US border and into Phoenix.  We fly out from Phoenix on Monday, March 24.
What we will be doing:
We will be helping out with Iglesia Evangelica Libre Arbol de Vida.  It is an Evangelical Free Church plant from 1995. Over the years, it has grown and developed many types of ministries to serve its surrounding neighbourhood.  There is also the Hacienda Los Arboles Retreat Center where the church can host potlucks and baptisms.  This Retreat Centre will also be available to other surrounding churches from other denominations.
Specifically, we will be helping with the cement work on patios and sidewalks along with painting the walls.  
Our Schedule:
  • breakfast at 7:30
  • leave by 8:00 to the Hacienda (work site)
  • return by 4:30
  • Monday night--help put together the food hampers to help those in need
  • Tuesday night--will have some time to see the area as well as head up the local mountain to view the city
  • Wednesday night--help out with the children's ministry at the church
  • Thursday night--the young half of the team will attend a young adult event; while the older half of the team will be visiting with some of the missionaries and church staff
  • Friday night--visiting some of the church families
  • Saturday--a well-earned day at the San Carlos beach
What to pray for:
  • that we will be efficient with our packing
  • that we get all our paperwork in order so there are no troubles at borders
  • that we can cross the border smoothly
  • that we will gel as a team and work together with a servant attitude
  • for strength to keep up with this vigorous schedule!