1. What insight, principle or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or troubling? Please explain.
2. Marriage is good. Why do you agree or disagree with this statement?
3. Divorce is bad. Why do you agree or disagree with this statement?
4. What pain or struggle have you experienced as a result of your own divorce or the divorce of someone close to you (your parents, friends…)?
5. Read Matthew 5:31-32. Why might someone feel really condemned by Jesus’ words? How might this passage be used to pour abuse or condemnation on others?
6. Read Matthew 19:3-10. God is for life and marriage was meant to be for the betterment of our lives (that doesn’t mean singleness is bad, but the marriage of our parents was meant to be for the betterment of our lives and so on). How does Jesus’ teaching show this?
7. How have you understood the “out clause” and Jesus statement about marrying another person after divorce is committing adultery?
8. For marrieds: How is your marriage? What is currently good? What is currently needing some work? What would it look like for you to remain faithful to your spouse and invest in your relationship for it’s betterment? What can you do to make your marriage relationship better right now? What does love require of you?
9. Pray together and pray for your marriages or for the marriages of others that you know.