Jay and Jen Leo are currently serving at Stoney Lake Bible Camp, located 40 minutes south of Melfort Saskatchewan. Stoney Lake is part of One Hope Canada. Jay is the Associate Director, and soon will be transitioning into the role of Director. Stoney hosts about 800 kids each summer during bible camp. The camp sees another 2000 people each year through rental groups.

If you would like to encourage the Leo's, one of the board members from Stoney Lake Bible Camp has set up a goFundme project for them. Please use the link https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-support-jay-leo-and-family if you would like to support the Leo's as Jay goes through chemotherapy and radiation treatments for the terminal stage 3 Astrocytoma cancer. (There are more details in the link. Also please note that this would be a love gift and there would be no tax receipts.) The goal of the fund is to not only cover the medical and travel expenses but also to bless them by alleviating the stress and worry that comes with the financial and emotional burden this situation brings. As of this writing they have already raised over $12,000 for them. Please also continue to remember Jay and the family in prayer as they journey through this difficult time. Thanks.