
Proverbs 21:5


Proverbs 21:5 (NIV)

The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.

Main Idea

Often our miscalculations are actually missed calculations so plan ahead and set some goals.

Going Deeper

Questions from this weeks Sermon

1. What insight, principle or observation from this week’s message did you find to be most helpful, eye opening or troubling?


2. Have you or someone you have known ever miscalculated a situation and it left you in a tough place? Sometimes our miscalculations are missed calculations, was this true of you or of a person you knew? 3. When it comes to finances, what is one thing you can do now to calculate for the unknown future? (Save! Good job, you got it, you are well on your way.)


4. Read Proverbs 21:20. What does this verse say about how to save? Are you good at deferring enjoyment? If you are naturally a spender, how might “deferring enjoyment” help you overcome the urge to spend now?


5. Read Proverbs 13:11. What does this verse say about saving? Why is it hard for us to gain riches over the long haul and remain patient?


6. Read Proverbs 21:5. What does this verse say about saving? Do you have a plan for saving? If not, why not?


7. Read Proverbs 6:6-8. Why is the ant considered wise?


8. Alvin talked about setting goals in 3 areas when it comes to saving.

1. A rainy day, (emergency fund, about 3 months living fund)
2. Future living (college fund, retirement fund)
3. Enjoyment (paying for your next toy, or vacation cash)

Which of these are you already doing (and what is it), which have you now made a plan to do, and which have you completely neglected? If so why, and are you planning to do anything about it?



Often our miscalculations are actually missed calculations Your unknown future doesn’t need to fill your eventual present with crisis and calamity.

Here is a 3-step plan for saving…taken from Proverbs…

Step 1: Defer Enjoyment
There is no get rich quick scheme that you should chase.

Step 2: Be Patient
Put a little money away every month and then in the long term watch it grow. Little by little.

Step 3: Make a Plan Set goals: (3 areas to save – goals to set)

1. A rainy day, (emergency fund, about 3 months living fund)
2. Future living (college fund, retirement fund)
3. Enjoyment (paying for your next toy, or vacation cash)

Call to Action

Take some time this week to sit down and make a plan (if you’re single by yourself, or married do this together). Start by laying out some goals for Rainy Day, Future Living, and Future Fun. Then take some time to pray about it and commit it to the Lord.